There's Nothing Beautiful About Being a Bully

June 18, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

The Bully - Tree SwallowsThe Bully - Tree creates a life filled with turmoil for everyone involved. And it makes me stop and wonder, why? With all the beautiful things life has to offer, why do some choose to behave this way? There's nothing beautiful about being a bully.

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The Bully


There's nothing beautiful about being a bully.  If those who are doing it could step outside of themselves for a moment and see the true picture of what their behavior looks like, they couldn't possibly be proud of it.  Life is hard enough as it is -- we should lift each other up in this world, not tear each other down.  Imagine how much more beautiful life would be if we all joined together and supported each other in this world we share.


Bullies, unfortunately, think the world is theirs and theirs alone.  In addition to the disrespect they have for their targets, they also have complete disrespect for the rest of the world.  They seem to think this world was created just for them, and they can do whatever they want as long as they yell louder and push harder.  They may assume their actions are only hurting the one they set out to attack -- they have no clue that it affects each and every one who witnesses their behavior.  And frankly, they may not care about that, because they think they're entitled to be however they want to be because this world is theirs and theirs alone.


There's always been bullying.  There's always been a bully in the school who picked on others and made a name for him or herself for being "tough".  But it's different now than it used to be.  We have a generation of entitled kids and adults who throw their hands up in the air and say "what the hell happened?"  And in reality, kids are simply modeling the behavior of those who have an influence on their life in some way or another.  When kids are influenced by adults who act like children themselves, or who are inspired by violence in films and on television, or who are the victims of other kids passing around the drugs they stole from mom or dad's medicine cabinet, it's no surprise.  When kids are given no guidance whatsoever in their early lives, it makes their life a prime breeding ground for bully behavior.


Just witnessing the bullying act of another can cause anger and stress.  Sure, you can walk away from it in some circumstances.  But sometimes it's shoved in your face, whether you want it there or not.  So what's the answer?  Is there a cure for this new disease so many adults and children seem to suffer from these days?  Is there a pill for it?  Or maybe, just maybe, the bully needs to be shown what their behavior looks like from an outsiders viewpoint and then asked, are you proud of that?  Does that make you feel good about who you are in this world?  Is that really how you want to spend your life?  With some, it probably wouldn't make any difference.  But even if it changed just one life, it would be worth it to try. 



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